Going serverless with AWS & Deploying your Python apps using Dokku

Marți, 26 February 2019

Oraș: Cluj-Napoca

Locație: The Office, corp C, sala C, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Oră: 18:00

Durată: 2h

Tip: Prezentări

Înscrieri: meetup.com




A bit of socializing. There will be snacks and beverages, courtesy of QCatalyst.


Going serverless with AWS (Cristian Robert)

A developer jumps on the ‘serverless’ bandwagon. We’ll take a look at the process and tools available to develop applications that run on AWS serverless computing technology.

Code, Video and Slides.

7:15 Break

Deploying your Python apps using Dokku and Digital Ocean (Angel Ramboi)

How to deploy your very own PaaS on a Digital Ocean droplet using Dokku (https://github.com/dokku/dokku/) a Docker powered "poor mans" mini Heroku bash script. +Demo: setup a simple Python app and deploy it using git (and if we have time automate this using Gitlab CI/CD).

Code, Video.

8:00 Closing