Things to try with a tracer & Do you trust your data?

Joi, 20 June 2019

Oraș: Cluj-Napoca

Locație: Strada George Coșbuc 6, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Oră: 18:00

Durată: 2h 30m

Tip: Prezentări


For this meetup we'll have a raffle (tombolă) for 2 ticket discounts at PyconBalkan (Oct 3-5).




A bit of socializing. There will be snacks and beverages, courtesy of ComplyAdvantage.


Things to try with a tracer (Ionel Cristian Mărieș)

This presentation will go over a bunch of examples with Hunter and teach you how to stop worrying and love the tracer. Will include examples of how to attach to processes and a bunch of contraptions with variables.

Video and Slides.

7:15 Break

Do you trust your Data? (Adrian Buturca)

This presentation will try to walk us through challenges that we, in ComplyAdvantage, had and have around this topic and tries to present what we learn from them and the directions that we are taking for having better answers to this question.

Video and Slides.

8:15 Closing and the raffle for the two tickets. The discounted price will be 35€ while the full price would be 150€.