Numerical computing in Python and Python Balkan

Marți, 06 March 2018

Oraș: Cluj-Napoca

Locație: Calea Motilor 62 - 1st floor, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Oră: 18:00

Durată: 2h 30m

Tip: Prezentări





A bit of socializing. There will be snacks and beverages, courtesy of Evozon.


Numerical computing in Python (Mihai Andrei)

Numerical computing is the processing of large amounts of floating point data. It is the foundation for analyzing measurements and of scientific computing.

Once arcane subjects of scientific computing are entering the mainstream. Machine learning and big data analytics are popular examples.

Python is widely used in this domain, threatening established tools like matlab.

Python's scientific ecosystem is based on a common data type: the mighty numpy array.

We will introduce you to the numpy library, and along the way show off some other common used tools for numerical data.


7:15 Break

Python Balkan (Bojan Jovanovic)

A draft of the protocol of communication for python communities in Balkan. Bojan (Python Developer and founder of Kortechs) from Belgrade has a reputation for creating interesting python meetups in Belgrade. This time he would like to scale this up a bit by giving every community in the Balkan region the tools needed to upgrade their game a bit by giving the community organizers a way of acquiring quality content trough sharing.


8:15 Closing