Fireside chat with Michael Foord

Joi, 23 April 2015

Oraș: Cluj-Napoca

Tip: Social


Michael Foord is a Python and Go programmer. He is working for Canonical and he is visiting Cluj-Napoca from Northampton UK.

We invited Michael for a friendly chat. Cluj Python community is invited to join and talk with Michael. If you have specific questions for Michael please leave comments, or email them to us (so they don't get forgotten).

If you don't have any specific questions we will be happy just seeing you come and saying hi.

We will have beers and pizzas. The number of spots is limited. Fireplace might be missing :)

We believe this is a great opportunity for local software development communities to meet with a Python core developer, book author and just a great open source contributor.

You can find out more about Michael at

You can follow Michael on Twitter at